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Here we have two interviews, one with Royce McEwan, current head of the Nordic Storm North Branch, and one with Ben McCullagh, head of the NordicStorm Youth Wing. The interviews were done by James Bell.

Note: The accuracy of these interviews were correct at the time of posting on this site. When these interviews happened, Nordic Storm were still British Storm. Thank you.



- So Royce, firstly, can we ask why you decided to start up British Storm?
R - Well, actually, it wasn't my idea, it was Marc's.
JB - Marc?
R - Yeah, Marc M******. He was an old friend in Northern Ireland, and he heads our NI branch there.
JB - So back to the question, why did you and Marc decide to form British Storm? We all know that the subject of white nationalism, usually wrongly called, racism or facism, is a touchy subject.
R - Well, Marc comes up to me one day, after a night out, with a hangover and some bruises. After a bit of a talk I found out he'd been badly beaten by several I.R.A. supporters and a Pakistani. And that was only one of numerous streetfights he had with usually the same crowd, and he was getting tired of it. He was also quite P.O'ed about the Pakistani man, who was a well known illegal immigrant and a thief. So I introduced him to a friend of mine, who played
in a small indie white power band called Steel Abs. He started hanging out with him quite a lot, usually going with the band to the small back pubs for their grandly called, 'gigs'. He started getting quite into the movement, and tried applying to the National Front. Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful for a reason I will not state here, to spare the NF any embaressment, which I'm sure they do NOT deserve. Anyway, then he had a bit of an idea. He thought, why not start our own movement? I was happy enough to go along for now, and we had friends in the form of Steel Abs and two L.V.F. supporting mates. We got together in his house one day, and we brainstormed about for a bit. We came up with some ground rules, our ideals, etc. Then Mikey (Steel Abs drummer) hit on the name British Storm. Everyone liked it and it stuck I guess.
JB - Did you know what you were getting yourselves into?
R - We thought we did, at first. And we felt reasonably confident, as we numbered about 9 or 10. We started a little stickering and leafleting, but the folk in Northern Ireland didn't really seem that bothered with preserving their culture, which is a real shame, because they have roots deep within the Celts, a race from which I am partly decended. We had many slumps, including a disasterous demo in Omagh one day. It was rainy, we were standing near the bomb-site, doing a small demo against the I.R.A. for a little publicity. Unfortunately, about 30 or so big Irish lads, probably up from a football match or something, came up and confronted us about our anti-I.R.A. slogans we wore, presented and shouted. We were outnumbered nearly 3-to-1 on the day, and we didn't want our first demo to end in a fight and jail, so we tried to resolve it peacefully, but bricks started to be thrown, and we had to leave.
JB - Has anything ever been as bad for British Storm since then?
R - Well, I think it's fair to say that we've had our fair share of ups and downs, just like the NF and the BNP. I mean, because at the end of the day, we're still standing for what we believe in, aren't we? And thats what counts.
JB - Yeah. Okay, thanks for that Royce. Cheers.

Part 2 of the Interview will be posted at a later date.




- So Ben, can we start off by asking you what part you play in British Storm?
B - Sure. Um, I am the head of British Storm Youth Wing.
JB - British Storm Youth Wing? What are they? What do they do?
B - The British Storm Youth Wing is the part of British Storm for 14-18 year olds who want to become actively involved with our movement. Well basically they help British Storm by participating in publicity drives such as leafleting, stickering and even taking part in small demos. They also participate in British Storm organised outings that will benefit them.
JB - Did you play an active hand in the founding of British Storm?
B - I did actually, yes. Originally, I was living in Northern Ireland for a few months, when I met Royce and Marc at Drumcree. They already had the idea, and I met them there with another lad called Mikey, who was the drummer for a indie white power rock band. We were all pretty damn fed up with all of the lies that ZOG was force-feeding us. So we formed British Storm as a movement to do something about all of the immigrants in our area.
JB - How old were you at the time?
B - Well, believe it or not, I was 14 at the time! I guess I fit into the Clan 88 section... still!
JB - How old are you now?
B - I'm actually 16 now. I'm still in Clan 88. It's great fun in Clan 88. We get to go all over the North East leafleting, going on trips, and once even marching!
JB - What's Clan 88?
B - Clan 88 is the British Storm Youth Wing's section for 14-16 year olds. 
JB - Oh right. So how many does British Storm Youth Wing total all together now?
B - Well, if you mean nation-wide, that includes the Merseyside and Northern Ireland branches, I'd have to hazard a guess at about 20. But here in Tyne and Wear, there are 8. 5 are Clan 88 boys, myself included, and 3 are Storm Division!
JB - So you're still in essence, starting out?
B - Yes indeed! However, we are still looking for more members to join British Storm. If any of you lads out there think you're hard, come and join Storm Division, you'll find a whole new meaning to the word hard. Heh.
JB - Royce and Marc said you were racist. Is this true?
B - Oh aye. Actually, I'm not the only one. Several of the Clan 88 lads are too, as are all three of the Storm Division boys. Royce and Marc aren't though, but they are devoted white nationalists, which I will say good on them for.
JB - Okay. Are you a skinhead, and are any others in British Storm skinheads?
B - Yes, I am a skinhead. And yes, so is Marc. All in all in the North East branch, I think there are about 8-10 skins among us.
JB - Well thanks for your time Ben. I hope to have another talk with you later.
B - Cheers mate.