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Welcome to the Nordic Storm Youth Wing! In this page you will find all you need to know about the Nordic Storm Youth Wing. Please read on, if you are from 14-18.

Activities of the Nordic Storm Youth Wing

Nordic Storm Youth Wing are involved in various activities such as stickering, door-to-door leafleting, meetings, small demos, paper sales, and some outings that are organized by myself. We also have a range of outings, varying from boxing club visits, where our members get a healthy and beneficial workout, to visits to areas of historical importance or interest. We are still looking to expand our activities, however, so watch this space.

About the Nordic Storm Youth Wing

Nordic Storm Youth Wing was started only a few months ago, when I told the other members that my younger brother, 15, wanted to become involved with Nordic Storm. For some obvious reasons, this could not be allowed, so he suggested a youth wing, and thus resulted in Nordic Storm Youth Wing. We implemeted my idea with both ny younger brother and two of his friends. It became quite successful, with over twenty members nationwide (please remember we are a small organisation yet). Now Nordic Storm Youth Wing are looking for more dedicated youngsters to help in the white fight. Join Nordic Storm Youth Wing today! Do not delay!

Nordic Storm Youth Wing Sections

According to the members age, they will be split into two different sections.
Clan 88 - 14-16 year olds.
Storm Division - 16-18 year olds.

Clan 88 have more members than Storm Division, and are extremely dedicated if our current members are something to go by. They are usually included in many activities, and also regularly frequent a local boxing club.

Storm Division are older, usually fitter, bigger and stronger, and are usually included in many of Nordic Storm's activities. They also regularly frequent a local boxing club to keep fit!

Contact Nordic Storm Youth Wing

If you wish to contact the Nordic Storm Youth Wing for more information, or just to talk, please email me, Ben, on:
(please in mind that over the next few weeks, almost all of the email 
                                                                      accounts will be changed accordingly. But for now please continue to
                                                                      email the addresses shown)

Join Nordic Storm Youth Wing

Nordic Storm Youth Wing has required standards for youth considering joining.

1.) You must be of pure White decendence and background. Strictly no half-castes.
2.) You must be a heterosexual. Absolutely no homosexuals are permitted into Nordic Storm.
3.) You must be have beliefs in white nationalism, you must love your race, or at least be another form of nationalist, be it National Socialist, Nazi, or whatever.
4.) You must be over the minimum age of 14, and under the maximum age of 18.
5.) You must be willing to attend activities that may be necessary.

If you are still interested in joining Nordic Storm Youth Wing, email me on:
