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Hi and welcome to the About page, where you can find out a little more about Nordic Storm's background and goals. There were a couple questions to be asked on the 'Blood and Honour Combat 18' guestbook, a link to which is provided here. Please take the time to show Combat 18 your undivided white support.

Well, here is the update.
As it seems, many people are dubious about Nordic Storm, their goals and intent. Its more than likely that many think we are a police-honeypot out to catch the Nationalist flies. It is impossible for us to prove otherwise, if it is, I would like to know how. You will, as with most other Nationalist groups, just have to have faith.
Basically, our goal is simple.

We want to achieve what Hitler wanted to do for the Aryan race. We want to create 'Lebensraum' or living space, for white peoples. We want to clean up Britain, and take it back by any means neccesary. We are not ones to lay down in front of the Jews and not fight. We will take our country back, by ANY means neccesary, including, but not limited to, aggressive force.

More About Us

Nordic Storm is a white nationalist group which was formed in 2001 in Northern Ireland by three young, proud, white
individuals. Since then, two have moved from Northern Ireland, one into Merseyside, and the other into the North, but still Nordic Storm lives on. Nordic Storm, small as it may be, plans to expand far and beyond what other nationalist groups such as the BNP and the National Front are capable of. Nordic Storm are not ones to bend over backwards for the Communist government of Tony Blair and the other weak scum of Parliament. Nordic Storm will stand and fight in many parts of the United Kingdom! And now, with three regional HQs, Nordic Storm are coming closer to achiving their lofty goal. Nordic Storm strive to take the United Kingdom back from the filthy scum that now infest our land. No exceptions are to be made for the filthy invaders of our country. Listen to our call, white man, and heed it! We're taking our country back by force, and by STORM!

About Nordic Storm